Benefits of 3D Digitizing

What are the main benefits of 3D digitizing? Before we go in depth into the answer of this question. We should discuss the question “What is the difference between 2D and 3D?” and some questions like “How have 3D technology affected us?” Let’s go ahead and answer that:

The Difference

When we discuss about the different character of 2D and 3D. Both theoretically and practically; it means that we are discussing about dimensions. 2D means 2 Dimensions whereas 3D means 3 Dimensions. Mathematically, 2D has 2 dimensions X and Y whereas 3D has another one included which is Z. The X dimension is horizontal, the Y is vertical and the Z is what creates depth in these 2 dimensions.

Consider this: You have a simple cloth tightly stretched. The surface of the cloth will be 2 dimensional; when you introduce a ball onto the surface, it creates the depth on the surface due to the weight and gravity which makes the surface 3 dimensional because it surpassed horizontal and vertical line (considering the ball to be invisible). So, the main difference between these two is the depth that has been added into 3D designs.

The Benefit

Most of the companies that provide Affordable 3D Digitizing know that. 3D digitizing gives a realistic look to the design that has been vectored by them. It creates the depth in digitization that includes embroidery, logo, applique and etc. When it comes to affordability; wouldn’t you go towards 3D technology when that tech has been offered with the same expense that a 2D tech will cause? Everyone would go for the 3D one, unless you really want the 2D one.

2D digitizing has been there for ages but the 3D digitization has been standing out from the crowd. Why? Because it is unique and appealing; it attracts the eye. This is why most of the companies are taking their step forward and into companies that offer Professional Vector Art Services with the ability to create 3D logos, embroidery or applique; whatever the project is.

Final Words

If you would like to know more about digitization or you have any suggestions for us. Let us know and we will definitely help each other out. Until then, happy reading!

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